Lost Colony

Lost Colony

Feature Film purchase / 2015 / 84 min / Stereo
Starring: Joshua Brady, Sam Buchanan, Stephanie Morgan, Phillip Ward
Directed by: Christopher Holmes

"'This book should be made into a movie' is often said, but “this movie ought to be written as a book” is a rarer statement. It applies to Lost Colony, an indie that roils with inner conflicts and percolates with a rich sense of place." - Duane Byrge, The Hollywood Reporter

"Lost Colony may frustrate viewers looking for a more traditional three-act structure, but I would urge them to weather the course, as there are deep riches in these waters, sharks notwithstanding."
- Christopher Llewellyn Reed, Hammer to Nail

While navigating life with his hyper-protective mother along the enigmatic Outer Banks of North Carolina's coast--site of the first attempted English settlement in the New World--conflicted teen Loren learns of his expecting girlfriend's ambivalence toward him. After a near tragic accident, he must learn to reassemble the broken pieces into a stronger, wiser form and approach a more worldly consciousness. A searchlight cast upon the earliest traces of America and the mystery of settlers vanished, Lost Colony scans a once virgin watershed for signs of life.

Lost Colony
  • Lost Colony

    While navigating life with his hyper-protective mother along the enigmatic Outer Banks of North Carolina's coast--site of the first attempted English settlement in the New World--conflicted teen Loren learns of his expecting girlfriend's ambivalence toward him. After a near tragic accident, he mu...